Do This To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Most people think that if you want to lose weight, you have to go on some kind of diet.

In fact, the average person goes on about 126 diets in their lifetime!

That’s a lot of restriction! And, if you’re dieting 2-3 times every year for the entirety of your life it’s probably not working.

Adding insult to injury, chronic dieting leads to all sorts of unintended side-effects: cognitive dietary restraint, lowered metabolism, body dysmorphia, and disordered eating.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

The average person goes on 126 diets in their lifetime! If diets worked, you’d only need to go on one. They don’t work.

I used to be one of those people who restricted calories, only to fall into a cycle of restriction, bingeing, and shame, put on repeat. Over time, this cycle causes all sorts of problems. For me, it lead to disordered eating patterns and stunted muscle-growth. I stressed out my body, grew my muffin top, and lost muscle.

Here’s how to actually meet your weightloss and physique goals:

1) Start eating again.

Focus on whole foods. Eat plenty of protein, vegetables, whole-food carbs, and fats. Eat well. Fill yourself up three times a day. Give your body a chance to repair your metabolism. Coupled with a regular resistance-exercise routine, you’ll likely put on weight, but it will be mostly muscle. And, added muscle means a higher metabolism for burning fat. Do this for a long time before even considering dropping weight (6 months to 2 years, depending). Chances are, if you are doing this consistently over many months, you’ll start to see noticeable results.

2) Lift weights

As mentioned above, you gotta move. But more important than that, put in at least 3 days a week of strength training to turn those awesome calories into muscle, so you can kickstart your metabolism and burn fat. Going on 5 mile runs every day on a caloric deficit will make it impossible for your body to put on muscle. See the chart below for a thorough breakdown of a balanced routine.

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Precision Nutrition © 2020

3) Never diet again.

Make a commitment to stay OFF of the diet wagon. It’s okay to eat cake, cookies, and other goodies in moderation. Instead of making food rules, focus on internal cues: eat slowly, and stop eating when you are 80% full.

4) Sleep like your life depends on it.

Getting 7-10 hours of sleep per night is non-negotiable. I know that sleep doesn’t come easy to everyone, and that’s okay. But don’t expect to go from 100-0 at night if you are glued to your screen up to the minute before you hit the sack. Doom-scrolling is a real thing, and it’s ruining our mental health (and physique goals).

5) Get help.

Sure, you can go on a jungle safari by yourself, but you’ll likely be eaten by a lion, or fall into quicksand. Chances are, you’ll need someone to give you a progressive plan, who will help you steer clear of the pitfalls, and help you be consistent. It’s a dangerous world out there. A great coach is a guide who will walk beside you most of the time, and lead you when necessary.

Get the help you need today, and start your fitness journey with no risk by scheduling a call. We’ll give you 2 weeks of coaching for free just for trying us out, and we’ll show you how to make all of the above fit into your busy lifestyle, by helping you get there one small step at a time.